Grace Notes // Hope and a Future Week 6


Written by: Margeaux Lawson


“ ‘The days are coming’, declares the Lord, ‘when I will fulfill the gracious promise I made to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. In those days and at the time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line; he will do what is just and right in the land. In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which it will be called: The Lord of Our Righteousness.’ ” Jeremiah 33: 14-16 


As we come to a close of our series in Jeremiah, we take a look at legacy - what it means in God’s eyes and how we can play a role in something far greater than ourselves. As the world rushes by us, it can be easy, for some, to fall into patterns of complacency. Or maybe for some, the default is high ambition, go-go-go, and what can I do to bolster myself, goals, and dreams? 

Are dreams, passions, ambition, and goals inherently bad? Absolutely not! But the question we could benefit from asking ourselves is: Why am I doing everything I’ve committed myself to and who for? The Lord created us as passionate beings with purpose and desires for us to be a part of something larger than ourselves. In 1 Corinthians 10: 31 it reads: So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” God desires us to dance, play, work, eat, speak, listen, build life, families, and community all for his glory. No act is too small to be done in the name of the Lord. 


As Pastor Chris mentioned in his sermon from Sunday, people were shocked and saddened across the globe when Notre Dame went up in flames. A poignant note he made was that if the bricks were simply thousands of bricks sprinkled about the world that all went up in flames at the same time, no one would have cared, noticed or been affected the way we were when this historic cathedral burned. Our lives are similar in that we must stop to ponder what we are building and who for? I had a moment in November of 2019 and also in June of 2020 where I asked myself why I was choosing to do each and everything I involved myself in. Ranging from work to friendships and everything in between. I wake up to these moments of asking God to recalibrate my heart and desires so that they align with His desires. Not easy, but worthwhile. I challenge you, as I challenge myself as well, to seek God and ask what part do you play in building a cathedral that glorifies Him. 

Holy Cathedral

Standing here wondering what to do with this shattered glass 

Of a life I have created 

Moments of beauty 

Moments of pain 

Moments of joy 

Moments to be proud of 

And moments I wish I could change 

I try to pick up the shards I deem unworthy and throw them out 

I am reminded each piece is a part of the story 

That God is weaving together for his almighty name 

El Shaddai, The Almighty God transforms it all for his glory 

A Mosaic made from the life I have lived 

Quiet moments given to God, all for Him

The Legacy of the Lord reigns above all

May I kneel in adoration and holy reverence in the Lord’s cathedral 

And etch my name into eternity with Jehovah Shalom 


The concept of legacy can be a difficult one to tackle. Our society tells us to chase our dreams and attempt to make our names last as long as possible. Wondering if the world will remember us or call us talented, powerful, beautiful, successful, intellectual, groundbreaking, visionary and the list goes on--is something that goes through the minds of many. Taking time to break down what we know about legacy and learn ways in which we can further God’s legacy is paramount to our spiritual lives. 


Where and how are you building a legacy? Does it align with God’s desires for you? 

In what ways can you ‘build a cathedral’ for the Lord? 

Are there areas in your life that need excavating? 


1 Corinthians 10: 1-31

Jeremiah 33 

Matthew 6: 19-24 

Isaiah 2: 1-5

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