

Pastoral Care

If there’s anything you would like to talk about (“big” or “small” and everything in between) or would like someone to pray with you, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Pastoral Team! Just click on their photo to send them an email.


Garden City Center

A group of licensed mental health professionals offering therapy and counseling to individuals, couples, families, and groups in Washington, DC. They provide excellence in mental health with a Christian perspective.

Please email here for more information or to make an appointment | Meet the Garden City Team

The McClerren Group

Mental health counseling services designed to help you find hope, healing, and change and where compassionate care meets clinical excellence.

Please email here for more information or to make an appointment | Meet the McClerren Group Staff


GCC’s LinkedIn Group: Connect with others at GCC in a professional capacity! This is a great place to share about open positions you know of, positions needed, requests for help with resumes, etc.

Garden City Center Process Group: for those Facing Job Insecurity due to the Administration Change.

  • The Emotional Toll of Job Insecurity

  • Coping with Uncertainty and Stress

  • Grief and Loss of Job Insecurity 

  • Navigating Family and Workplace Tension 

  • Balancing Financial Anxiety and Well-being

Simply fill out their intro form and select “Process Group” from the services dropdown menu.



Receive freedom and healing from emotional or spiritual wounds that have occurred as a result of life experiences.

Check these links for more information or to schedule an appointment: Theater Church SOZO DC Living By Faith No More Wounds


Falls Church Anglican has several prayer ministries available for anyone to request one-on-one appointments during weekdays.

Healing + Prayer Intercessory Prayer