Grace Notes // The Promises of God Week 4

Jesus is Living Water

Written By Keli Miller

It’s at the well where thirsty people gather. One such well, Jacob’s well, is where for thousands of years, people have come, tired, worn out, and looking for something that will quench their thirst. Drawing water from this well became a regular occurrence for locals and foreigners. Each day they would gather the water that they needed, and by the next day, they would have run out and need to come back. It’s at this well where Jesus comes and offers a Samaritan woman a water supply that won’t run out.  In the middle of a dry desert, Jesus names himself as Living Water. 

Jesus answered, “If you drink from Jacob’s well you’ll be thirsty again and again,  but if anyone drinks the living water I give them, they will never thirst again and will be forever satisfied! For when you drink the water I give you it becomes a gushing fountain of the Holy Spirit, springing up and flooding you with endless life!”

(John 4:13-14 TPT) 

What does it mean to have access to Living Water? 

Living Water revives. 

Living Water brings dead things to life even in deserts or salty, stagnant waters. Where sin had brought death, living water comes and restores the life that was lost.  What was once lost in the dead of winter is now vibrant with color and new life. 

Living Water is all-consuming. 

Nothing is left the same when living waters flow through it. Transformation happens- there once was death and now there is life. With living water, you will never be thirsty again. Dry seasons and droughts are no more when there is new life.  

Living Water overflows. 

Living Water comes like a flood. It doesn’t just merely fill you up, it pours out of you. There is an overflow of life, an abundance. What was once scarce is now plenty. Living Waters flows from you to those around you. 

We are the new dwelling place of God and his Living Waters. That same living water that was offered to the woman at the well, lives in us through the Holy Spirit. We no longer need to keep going to the well every day because we have access to Living Water. 


When has someone's walk with Christ impacted yours through the overflow of their own?

Where are you currently experiencing thirst? 

Think about your own life- when or where have you experienced the overflow of living water?

In The Word: 

Ezekiel 47:1-10

Psalm 1:1-3

Revelation 22:1-5

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