Grace Notes // Dealing With Disruption

Written by: Keli Miller

Guys. Life feels a little bit out of control right now. This is my first pandemic so I’m a rookie, and every decision has felt weighty. It’s so easy to feel fearful and unsteady in the face of COVID-19.  Life is unsteady right now- we don’t know when plans will resume as normal. My confidence has been shaken, but my God is not.  

God has not changed throughout all of this chaos. His faithfulness is constant even amidst the unknowns. It’s brought to light for myself how much hope I had put in my life as I know it. Hope in my social life to bring me a sense of belonging. Hopes in my plans and schedule to bring a sense of security and purpose. I have settled for the counterfeit when I’ve been offered the real thing. I’ve settled for fleeting feelings of security, and belonging when I’ve been promised all those things through Christ. 

Promise of Belonging: 

But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near by the blood of Christ .(Ephesians 2:13)

Promise of Security: 

 And my God will supply all your needs according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. (Phillipians 4:19) 

God’s faithfulness has never been tied to our best days or worst days. He is faithful because that is who he is. He will be and has always been faithful to each one of his promises.  I love the story of the disciples and Jesus on the boat. Amidst the chaos of the storm Jesus was found sleeping and the disciples were FREAKING OUT. In the face of chaos their confidence was shaken. They forgot that with just the sound of his voice Jesus could quiet the storm.  

Our lives have been disrupted, our boat is rocking. How do we want to use this disruption? As my life begins to slow in response to the current pandemic, there is a new kind of space. Space to draw near and replant my confidence firmly in him. Don’t check out, numbing your mind to escape the chaos that surrounds. Don’t waste this solitude. 

Rise up Church and lift your eyes.

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