Written by Keli Miller
Last Sunday we started our series on desire. We were reminded that we worship a God of fierce desire. (For further proof, go check out the book of the Bible - Song of Songs.) God desires your heart in ways you can’t even begin to imagine. Just as God has desires, we, as image bearers of God, have desires of our own. To desire something is often a deeply intimate and personal thing, but it is also something that God wants to speak into in all of our lives.
It is a vulnerable process to stand before God, hands open, and say “What do you think about this?”. When we present our desires to God, two things happen:
We take the risk of hearing a, “not yet, wait.”, or even worse a “No, that’s not for you.”
By asking God to be part of our desires, we tell God, “I desire you most”.
He fulfills the desires of those who fear him;
he hears their cry and saves them.
Psalms 145:19
Psalm 145:19 is a verse that I have heard referenced often. We cling to this verse for assurance that God will fulfill the desires of our hearts exactly as we imagine them. But, I think it’s important to recognize the key posture that comes before, which is giving our desires to God and trusting Him with these. Before God can do His thing, we have to surrender and stand before Him with open hands. Because desire comes from God, it can only be fulfilled by God.
Our culture tells us that if we desire something we should have it. After all, who has any business denying me anything? As followers of Christ we subscribe to a different culture, one that is not based on self-fulfillment, but self-denial.
Lord, you are my portion and my cup of blessing;
you hold my future. The boundary lines have fallen for me
in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.
Psalms 16:5-6
God has given you a beautiful inheritance, this I’m sure of. Just like a flame can warm a whole home, when your desires are given to the Lord, He can use them for good and beauty.
On Sunday, Pastor Chris talked about asking God, “What do you think about this?”. This week I encourage you to lay out all your desires before God and ask him what he thinks. But, I also want to encourage you one step further and ask yourself, “Have I let God into every room of my heart?” What are the secret things you desire so much you’re afraid to even speak them in prayer?
Friends, our God is good and can be trusted with even these.
Song of Songs 4:9-15
Psalm 139: 23-24